Film Business 2013 Speakers

Yevgeniya DERBAL

For over seven years Yevgeniya Derbal was forming and led the tax practice at the Konnov & Sozanovsky Law Firm. In addition to advising clients on tax matters, Yevgeniya was engaged in tax planning, support of tax disputes, M&A transactions, corporate restructuring and media law. Current position at Konnov & Sozanovsky Law Firm - Partner.

Experience gained in the law firm is realized at most by Yevgeniya after moving in 2011 to FILM.UA Group. The main task of Yevgeniya is coordination of all legal issues of group, support of co-production projects, working with investors.

Yevgeniya Derbal is a member of the Ukrainian Bar Association and the Ukrainian Attorney Association, and a member of the International Fiscal Association (IFA) and the Network Association Tax Planet as well.