
“Television today becomes more and more inclusive,” Virginia Mouseler, Head of The WIT

17 September 2018, 18:49

On September 17 at KYIV MEDIA WEEK international media forum, one of the first presentations was from Virginia Mouseler, head and co-founder of The Wit analytical company. Its focus was on the new trends of contemporary television as well as relations between broadcast television and various digital platforms. According to Virginia, as of 2018 television hasn’t lost its leading positions and remained the principal viewed media platform. But presently traditional broadcasting is undergoing active transformations. Though in the past clear age differentiation by type of media could be observed (older people were more prone to watching broadcast television while young people mostly preferred digital), today it is possible to say that television becomes more inclusive, taking up the most efficient instruments both from digital and broadcasting. Nowadays television is a hybrid of sorts, which adapts to current conditions and can offer content for family audience as well as niche product for adults (one hot example would include Pose at FX).  

According to The WITdata, digital platforms remain among the leaders by the amount of presented new shows: here we can observe the increase by 43 percent in comparison with the previous year while at linear television the same measure is negative, -1%. It is rather predictable that Netflix remains a platform with the most original non-scripted formats (the growth has amounted to 53 percent), and standup comedies enjoy particular popularity. It is worth noting that the number of adaptations for the US shrinks each year: in 2013, over 60 format adaptations were released, and by this year their number has fallen to 35. In particular, 42 percent of game shows in the US are based on international formats; among entertainment shows, there are 19 percent of internationals. 

According to Virginia Mouseler, today digital platforms exhibit more and more interest in non-scripted formats, in particular comedy programs. As for drama series, demand on local original stories is growing. Besides, dating formats remain in the top of most popular content.  

Virginia Mouseler is a globally renowned expert whose regular presentations under the title Fresh TV dedicated to the hottest new shows and series at major international film markets MIPCOM and MIPTV earn a full house every time. Virginia’s first degree is in philosophy and psychoanalysis; afterwards she graduated from one of the best business schools. Such set of professional competences allowing her to precisely grasp public demand and call of the times as well as to see real opportunities for their monetizationmade Virginia Mouseler a leading global expert in forecasting TV trends.